Original Wholesale Watches

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Wholesale Watches

Thank to our knowledge and experience in the market, Italian Fashion Wholesale is able to give a highly collaboration for companies that want to get in touch with the best brand of watches.


Credibility in business

The market of watchmaking is universally recognized for the quality of style and elegance that it offers. However, there are many difficulties that you could meet when get in touch with this world.

We are able to provide you the best manufacturers of wathces, even the well-know companies into the world and for this reason often the most unobtainable.


Working with us avoiding costs

Italian Fashion Wholesale provides to entrepreneurs, importers and exporters the best brand of watches and guarantees technical assistance to entrust with clearness to the market of watches.

We provide all the services of a business manager working directly with our clients, avoiding the cost of a represantive office and of the continual travels of your manager.

From the first business meetings the negotiation is developed with the maximum discretion and in respect of the industrial secret. Italian Fashion Wholesale is working with the best brand of watches as Cartier, Rolex, Omega, Festina and the main manufacture companies


retail franchising consultant

Contact us to fix an appointment

If you are interested to know better what we can do for your business, just click on the above link and use the contact form, we will get back to you as soon as possible to fix an appointment. We guarantee professionalism and the maximum discretion.

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